Monthly Archives: August 2015

Ohio veteran of three wars receives mobility scooter through video raffle funds

$15.5 million now raised for Ohio charities




The OVFCC gets a “thumbs up” from 3-war veteran James Cashier. Proceeds from the OVFCC’s charitable video raffle program were used to purchase the scooter.

Columbus, Ohio (August 3, 2015) – James Cashier fought for our country in three wars: World War II, Korea and Vietnam. But in his later years he has become much less mobile and has been mostly confined to his home. He was in need of a lightweight scooter that his wife could lift in and out of their car and was having trouble obtaining this particular type of scooter. The Ohio Veterans and Fraternal Charitable Coalition (OVFCC) became aware of Mr. and Mrs. Cashier’s need, and with the help of VFW of Ohio Charities, purchased a new three-wheel lightweight scooter for Mr. Cashier.



Mr. Cashier says the scooter has changed his life and has given him the ability to leave his home with relative ease, considering his health. He expressed great gratitude to the OFVCC and VFW of Ohio Charities, who were honored to help.



“Mr. Cashier served our country in not just one, but three wars. We owe it to he and his wife to give them the ability to leave their home as long as they are able,” said Bill Seagraves, President of the OVFCC and Executive Director of VFW of Ohio Charities.



Funds for the mobility scooter were raised through the OVFCC’s charitable video raffle program, which has now generated over $15.5 million for Ohio charities, helping veterans like James Cashier live their lives to their full potential.

August 3rd, 2015