Monthly Archives: November 2020

Ohio Veterans Rally in Columbus to Support Electronic Charitable Gaming

Earlier today veterans from across Ohio met at the State Capitol Building in Columbus for a rally to show support for House Bill 282, which would permit electronic forms of instant bingo.  Senators Frank Hoagland and Hearcel Craig, both veterans themselves, spoke in support of the legislation.
Veterans and fraternal groups raise over $113 million per year for Ohio charities.  Allowing them to modernize to electronic forms of instant bingo is vital to the posts, lodges and charities within their communities.
But the battle has not been won.  There are FOR PROFIT interests that oppose us.  You need to continue to tell your state senator how important CHARITABLE gaming is to your organization and the local charities they donate to in your community. 
We need to Ohio Senate to bring this bill to a vote before the end of this year, otherwise we will have to go back to court.  Legislation is the simplest way to resolve this issue for veterans and charities.
Please take two minutes to call your state senator today to tell them to SUPPORT HOUSE BILL 282 and bring it to a vote!
Click on this interactive map to find your senator:

November 18th, 2020

Ohio Veterans to rally in support of electronic charitable gaming

Please join Ohio’s veterans organizations tomorrow (Wednesday, November 18th) at 11 AM at the Ohio State Capitol building to show support for House Bill 282, which would permit electronic charitable instant bingo.

We need veterans to come out in force and show their support.

The rally will last about 40 minutes and will take place on the west side of the building (High Street side).

Address is: 1 Capitol Square, Columbus OH 43215.

This is an outdoor event with temperatures predicted to be about 45 degrees, so dress warm!

Contact with questions.

November 17th, 2020