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April 22nd, 2020VFW Department of Ohio donates $4,000 to families of fallen Westerville officers
Columbus, Ohio (February 15, 2018) – VFW of Ohio Charities has donated $4,000 to the families of two Westerville police officers who were slain in the line of duty this past Saturday while responding to a 911 call.
“This is a tragic loss for the officers’ families, the Westerville community and our nation,” said Bill Seagraves, Director of VFW of Ohio Charities. “Like all first responders, officers Eric Joering and Anthony Morelli courageously put themselves in harm’s way every day to protect their community, and sadly they lost their lives. We have a moral obligation to support these heroes’ families.”
The funds were donated through the CME Federal Credit Union and divided equally between each officer’s family.
VFW of Ohio Charities’ donation has been made possible through the use of a statewide charitable electronic raffle program operated by the Ohio Veterans and Fraternal Charitable Coalition (OVFCC) at posts and lodges throughout Ohio. Since it began in 2011, the video raffle program has raised over $35 million for charities.
February 15th, 2018Veterans wheelchair games benefit from video raffle program
VFW Ohio Charities’ $53,000 donation helps make 2017 games possible
Columbus, Ohio (March 13, 2017) – The 37th National Veterans Wheelchair Games are coming to Ohio this summer!
Cincinnati will host the games July 17 – 22, with over 600 veterans from the United States and Great Britain competing in the events.
The games are organized by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and the nonprofit Paralyzed Veterans of America.
VFW Ohio Charities is a top financial sponsor of the 2017 games, donating $53,000 to the event.
VFW of Ohio Charities’ support of the games has been made possible because of charitable video raffle games at VFW posts throughout Ohio. Since the video raffle program began in 2011, over $26.5 million has been raised for charities like the wheelchair games.
“Prior to the video raffle, our revenues were declining year after year,” said Bill Seagraves, director of the VFW of Ohio Charities. “With new technology and video forms of gaming, paper games are losing interest. Video raffles have given new life to our organizations’ ability to raise funds to support themselves and local charities.”
But veterans and fraternal leaders are concerned that the video raffle program is in jeopardy. In 2013, Attorney General Mike DeWine stated that the program was illegal and ordered it shut down. The groups disagreed and quickly obtained a temporary restraining order allowing the program to proceed, pending a court decision, which is expected within weeks. The groups are hopeful they will win their court case and continue to be able to raise vital funds from veterans and their members to support their posts and charities at no cost to taxpayers.
March 14th, 2017
$25 million raised for charity through Ohio vets and fraternals video raffle
Hundreds of Ohio charities benefit from support
Columbus, Ohio (January 11, 2017) – Ohio charities have benefited from over $25 million in revenue since 2011 thanks to a video raffle program implemented by veterans and fraternal organizations.
The Ohio Veterans and Fraternal Charitable Coalition (OVFCC) announced this week that its video raffle program has reached a major milestone by hitting the $25 million mark in funds raised for charity. They raised over $7,250,000 in 2016 alone.
The funds directly benefit veterans’ posts, fraternal lodges and hundreds of local charities. Fifty percent of the revenue supports the posts and lodges and fifty percent supports local charities in communities across Ohio.
“Our financial support of local charities is vital to their mission,” said OVFCC president Bill Seagraves. “We are honored to be able to help our communities, and the video raffle program plays a major role in making this possible.”
For the Ohio State Aerie of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, OVFCC board member and past president Jim Donaldson says that the charitable electronic raffle project is important to an effort that is near and dear to his heart.
“My special charity has been the ‘the walking machine’ project at The Ohio State’s Wexner Medical Center and their affiliate, the NeuroRecovery Network,” Donaldson said. “Much of the money in our Lew Reed Spinal Cord Injury Fund comes from Eagle clubs that participate in the charitable raffle program. During my five years on the OVFCC board, my other passion has become implementing a successful and accountable video raffle program. Since the OVFCC started that program, we have helped raise over $4 million dollars for Eagle charities and Aeries across the state. It’s a great tool for our clubs and the charities they support and continues to be a step in the right direction for our Aeries to embrace their charitable efforts, as well as pay some of our internal pressing needs.”

Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center NeuroRecovery Network patient on bodyweight-supported treadmill training.
“This electronic raffle program is going to help purchase another body-weight support system that would double the Wexner Medical Center’s treatment capacity and reduce their patient waiting list,” said Donaldson. “Isn’t that something? Just think of the impact this will have on future patients and their families.”
The electronic raffle program has caused other OVFCC member organizations to see a significant rise in revenue to their clubs and posts, allowing them to contribute back to their respective communities and charities in many ways.
Below is a sampling of just some of the important work veterans and fraternal organizations are doing to support local charitable causes that are so vital to our local communities throughout Ohio. These initiatives have been made possible through funds raised by the video raffle program:
- 92-year-old Central Ohio woman offers quilting talents to brighten the lives of military veterans
- Video raffle program continues to fund oxygen therapy for injured veterans
- Video raffle program helps central Ohio homeless veterans
- Ohio Eagles continue to have positive impact on spinal cord injury patients through charitable contributions
- Charitable video raffle program provides funding for Ohio veteran’s burial
- Charitable video raffle program funds innovative brain injury therapy for Ohio veteran
- American Legion Department of Ohio Charities partner with Fallen 15 for the inaugural Veteran Women’s 5K
- Charitable video raffle helps deceased soldier’s family keep their home
- OVFCC raffle funds have helped provide well over $100,000 to the Wright Patterson Airmen & Family Readiness Center
- OVFCC members help veterans in need at Central Ohio Stand Down
- OVFCC raffle funds help pay burial cost for slain veteran
- VFW partners with high school students to provide wheelchair ramps for veterans
But veterans and fraternal leaders are concerned that the video raffle program is in jeopardy. In 2013, Attorney General Mike DeWine said that the program was illegal and ordered it shut down. The groups disagreed and quickly obtained a temporary restraining order allowing the program to proceed, pending a court decision, which is expected within weeks. The groups are hopeful they will win their court case and continue to be able to raise vital funds to support their posts and charities at no cost to taxpayers.
The OVFCC is the voice of more than 2.1 million members and their families who are active in more than 1,700 posts and clubs throughout the State of Ohio. The OVFCC is an unincorporated association that was established in 2003 to achieve consensus and develop policy on various issues affecting Ohio veterans and fraternal organizations. Member organizations have input regarding charitable gaming as well as legislation, rules and regulations that impact veterans and fraternal organizations.
OVFCC President Bill Seagraves can be reached for further comment at (614) 222-1611.
For more information about the OVFCC, please visit
January 11th, 201792-year-old Central Ohio woman offers quilting talents to brighten the lives of military veterans
Ohio video raffle program reaches $20 million mark for charities
Hundreds of local charities throughout Ohio benefit from support
Columbus, Ohio (April 25, 2016) – The Ohio Veterans and Fraternal Charitable Coalition (OVFCC) announced this week that its video raffle program has reached a major milestone by hitting the $20 million mark in funds raised for charity.
The funds directly benefit veterans’ posts, fraternal lodges and hundreds of local 501(c)(3) charities; fifty percent of the revenue supports the posts and lodges and fifty percent supports local charities in communities across Ohio.
“This is very exiting news for our organizations and the charities we support,” said Merle Pratt of the Ohio AMVETS and secretary of the OVFCC. “Our charitable work is very important to our overall mission, and the video raffle proceeds are a critical part of our success.”
Below is a sampling of just some of the important work veterans and fraternal organizations are doing to support local charitable causes that are so vital to our local communities throughout Ohio. These initiatives have been made possible through funds raised by the video raffle program:
- Video raffle program helps central Ohio homeless veterans
- Ohio Eagles continue to have positive impact on spinal cord injury patients through charitable contributions
- Charitable video raffle program provides funding for Ohio veteran’s burial
- Charitable video raffle program funds innovative brain injury therapy for Ohio veteran
- American Legion Department of Ohio Charities partner with Fallen 15 for the inaugural Veteran Women’s 5K
- Charitable video raffle helps deceased soldier’s family keep their home
- OVFCC raffle funds have helped provide well over $100,000 to the Wright Patterson Airmen & Family Readiness Center
- OVFCC members help veterans in need at Central Ohio Stand Down
- OVFCC raffle funds help pay burial cost for slain veteran
- VFW partners with high school students to provide wheelchair ramps for veterans
Attorney General Mike DeWine has said the program is illegal and ordered it shut down in 2013. Veterans and fraternal organizations disagreed and quickly obtained a temporary restraining order allowing the program to proceed, pending a court trial, which is set for later this year. The groups are hopeful they will win their court case and continue to be able to raise vital funds to support their posts and charities at no cost to taxpayers. “It would be highly unfortunate if the charities we support were to lose vital funding because of state government leaders misinterpreting Ohio law,” said OVFCC president Bill Seagraves. “No other form of gaming supports charities at this level and has such a positive impact on our communities. We provide help for many who are at the end of their rope with no place else to turn.”
April 25th, 2016Major milestone reached by OVFCC over Labor Day weekend
Over $16 million raised since program started; over $4 million raised for charity year-to-date
This past Labor Day weekend the Ohio Veterans and Fraternal Charitable Coalition’s charitable video raffle program hit another major milestone; $16 million raised for our members and the charities they support. Even more impressive is that the program has raised over $4 million for charity this year alone! This is truly remarkable and could not have been accomplished without the support of our organizations and their individual members. It is a great example of veterans and their supporters helping veterans in need!
The charitable video raffle program has been operating under a temporary restraining order against the State of Ohio since December of 2013 after abiding by the Attorney General’s request to shut down the program. Since receiving the TRO, the program has generated in excess of $9.4 million for our organizations and their charities.
September 9th, 2015