Ohio Veterans Rally in Columbus to Support Electronic Charitable Gaming
Earlier today veterans from across Ohio met at the State Capitol Building in Columbus for a rally to show support for House Bill 282, which would permit electronic forms of instant bingo. Senators Frank Hoagland and Hearcel Craig, both veterans themselves, spoke in support of the legislation. Veterans and fraternal groups raise over $113 million per year for Ohio charities. Allowing them to modernize to electronic forms of instant bingo is vital to the posts, lodges and charities within their communities. But the battle has not been won. There are FOR PROFIT interests that oppose us. You need to continue to tell your state senator how important CHARITABLE gaming is to your organization and the local charities they donate to in your community. We need to Ohio Senate to bring this bill to a vote before the end of this year, otherwise we will have to go back to court. Legislation is the simplest way to resolve this issue for veterans and charities. Please take two minutes to call your state senator today to tell them to SUPPORT HOUSE BILL 282 and bring it to a vote! Click on this interactive map to find your senator: http://www.ohiosenate.gov/senators/district-map |
Ohio Veterans to rally in support of electronic charitable gaming
Please join Ohio’s veterans organizations tomorrow (Wednesday, November 18th) at 11 AM at the Ohio State Capitol building to show support for House Bill 282, which would permit electronic charitable instant bingo. We need veterans to come out in force and show their support. The rally will last about 40 minutes and will take place on the west side of the building (High Street side). Address is: 1 Capitol Square, Columbus OH 43215. This is an outdoor event with temperatures predicted to be about 45 degrees, so dress warm! Contact info@ovfcc.org with questions. |
VFW Department of Ohio donates $4,000 to families of fallen Westerville officers
Columbus, Ohio (February 15, 2018) – VFW of Ohio Charities has donated $4,000 to the families of two Westerville police officers who were slain in the line of duty this past Saturday while responding to a 911 call.
“This is a tragic loss for the officers’ families, the Westerville community and our nation,” said Bill Seagraves, Director of VFW of Ohio Charities. “Like all first responders, officers Eric Joering and Anthony Morelli courageously put themselves in harm’s way every day to protect their community, and sadly they lost their lives. We have a moral obligation to support these heroes’ families.”
The funds were donated through the CME Federal Credit Union and divided equally between each officer’s family.
VFW of Ohio Charities’ donation has been made possible through the use of a statewide charitable electronic raffle program operated by the Ohio Veterans and Fraternal Charitable Coalition (OVFCC) at posts and lodges throughout Ohio. Since it began in 2011, the video raffle program has raised over $35 million for charities.
February 15th, 2018VFW to donate over $40,000 for hurricane relief
Charitable video raffle program passes $17 million mark
Now raising $1 million every two months
Hundreds of local charities benefit from support
Columbus, Ohio (November 30, 2015) – The Ohio Veterans and Fraternal Charitable Coalition (OVFCC) announced this week that its video raffle program has now raised over $17 million for Ohio charities along with its member posts and lodges. The program began operating in October 2011. For a regularly updated tally of charitable revenues, go to ovfcc.org. The funds directly benefit veterans’ posts, fraternal lodges and hundreds of local 501(c)(3) charities; fifty percent of the revenue supports the posts and lodges and fifty percent supports local charities in communities across Ohio.
“Charitable funds raised through the video raffle program are vital to our communities and veterans in need,” said Suzette Price of the American Legion Department of Ohio.
“The recent Central Ohio Stand Down for homeless veterans is a great example of how these funds help those in need. We provided medical treatment, help with local agencies, legal assistance, clothing, personal grooming, and a hot meal, all at no expense to taxpayers.”
Below is a sampling of just some of the important work veterans and fraternal organizations are doing to support local charitable causes that are so vital to local communities throughout Ohio. These initiatives have been made possible through funds raised by the video raffle program:
December 1st, 2015
Ohio Eagles continue to have positive impact on spinal cord injury patients through charitable contributions
The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center sees charitable contributions by Ohio Eagles as crucial
In a recent letter to all members of the Ohio State Aerie of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, new State President and Ohio Veterans and Fraternal Charitable Coalition Boardmember Jim Donaldson urged them to continue their support of the East Central Regional Lew Reed Spinal Cord Injury Fund.
“My special charity for my year as state president is the ‘the walking machine’ project at The Ohio State’s Wexner Medical Center and their affiliate, the NeuroRecovery Network,” Donaldson said.
The “walking machine”, more formally known as a Body-Weight Support System, is truly groundbreaking technology. The patient’s body is suspended over a treadmill using a harness system while specially trained therapists move their legs to simulate walking. This innovative training helps awaken nerve pathways by repetitively stimulating the muscles and nerves in the lower body.
So far the Eagles have raised over $30,000 for the new Body-Weight Support System with financial support continuing from clubs across the state that participate in the OVFCC’s charitable raffle program.
“Much of the money in our Lew Reed Spinal Cord Injury Fund comes from Eagle clubs that participate in the charitable raffle program. During my three years on the OVFCC Board, my other passion has become implementing a successful and accountable video raffle program. Since the OVFCC started that program, we have helped raise over $2.4 million dollars for Eagle charities and Aeries across the state. It’s a great tool for our clubs and the charities they support and is truly a step in the right direction for our Aerie’s to embrace their charitable efforts, as well as pay some of our internal pressing needs”.
“This electronic raffle program is going to help purchase another body-weight support system that would double the Wexner Medical Center’s treatment capacity and reduce their patient waiting list”, said Donaldson.
“Isn’t that something? Just think of the impact this will have on future patients and their families”.
September 28th, 2015