WCMH NBC4 – Lawsuit Filed Over Electronic Raffle Machines
WCMH NBC-TV in Columbus, Ohio recently featured a story on the recent civil case, filed on behalf of the Ohio Veterans and Fraternal Charitable Coalition and Ohio AmVets, to allow electronic video raffles to continue operations. The case will allow OVFCC members to turn their machines back on without fear of penalty from the Ohio Attorney General until the Ohio Legislature has time to consider pending legislation on the matter.
The Ohio Legislature, which returns to session in January, is considering HB 325, legislation proposed by Representative Rick Perales, that would clarify current law concerning how veterans and fraternal organizations support local and national charities. To date, the OVFCC Electronic Video Raffle Program has raised over $6 million for charities in under two years. The program also helps keep local veterans and fraternal posts open to their membership in these tough financial times.
For more information, stay tuned to the OVFCC blog, your source for information about SB 325.